Review Request
We're asking you for a little
As our valued client we’d love to know how your purchase has been performing and also how you found our service delivery.
We have a simple and easy review process on our website and would really appreciate hearing about your experience. This not only assists us in delivering the products and service that our clients expect, it also assists others in making an informed purchasing decision.
We know that your time is valuable, and wouldn’t expect you to take time in assisting us and other purchasers without some response in kind. For every review left on our website we’ll issue a $50 voucher that can be used against the purchase of any Mobile Booster / Repeater at our already highly discounted pricing!
We realise that not everyone will need, or want a second Booster, so that’s why the vouchers are fully transferable and have a long expiry of 90 days. Give one to a friend or family member who could benefit from improved mobile coverage in the home, office or vehicle.