$29 or FREE Mobile Signal Location Check for Cel-Fi Boosters

$29 or FREE Mobile Signal Location Check for Cel-Fi Boosters

  • $29.00

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General Signal Strength Inside (Calls / SMS / Some Data)
Data is of Primary importance


FREE mobile signal location check for Cel-Fi boosters

Bad reception? Not sure how to improve your mobile reception?

We can help get the right solution for your specific location and needs.

Peace of Mind

Our $29 Location Check (Refunded if you purchase any Cel-Fi device) gives you peace of mind.
We use highly sophisticated RF path modelling software to determine the perfect solution for your location.

What you can expect

You will receive:

  • A short appraisal of your exact location, a recommendation of the solution best suited to your needs.
  • Exact Pointing Directions for the building mounted external antenna. 
  • If we can't supply a solution, it will be due to your location and terrain, this is also explained in your appraisal.
  • We'll even tell you if there are solutions that may work for you, even if not supplied by us.

How does it work?

At checkout:

  • We will ask for your exact location.
  • We will ask what the primary purpose of signal improvement is: (Telephony, General Use or Data Speed improvement)
  • You will receive your report quickly and within a couple of business days. 
  • Once your request is fulfilled your Location Check  will be refunded when purchasing ANY Cel-FI booster or 3G / 4G data router.

What we Need

We need your EXACT location, right to the building location. If your address identifies the building - all good.
Otherwise, jump on to Google Maps and find your building location - right click (PC) on it, or long press (Phone) and supply us the DECIMAL Latitude and Longitude.

It looks something like -26.884608, 151.594242 as an example.



Please see the Explainer Video below if you are not sure how to do this.