Peace of Mind Location Check BEFORE you Buy!
Not sure that a booster will work for you? Want to know EXACTLY what you need to get?
Using our sophisticated modelling software we can check your location at a super low fee which is fully refuindable on the purchase of any Cel-Fi.
Boost your Home, Office, Car or RV Reception
Antennas for your Booster or 3G/4G/5G Gateway / Router
Cables, Splitters, Connectors for your Booster or Router
No Mobile Reception at all - Satellite solutions
Sometimes there is just NO signal to be boosted.You can still get communications happening by satellite
More Information Here
Please see our sister site (click below)
Sat Phone Sales
News, Tips, Guides and Legality
Is your Cel-Fi Boosting?
You feel that your Booster is not Boosting? If this is the case- don’t panic! The units function really well, do boost, and any perception less than that is usually...
Is the Cel-Fi Pro Easy Install Booster right for me?
The Cel-Fi Pro Booster is a remarkable device bringing strong 3G and 4G connectivity inside where you might have had none before! The Cel-Fi Pro comes in to...